Welcome to my Portfolio



I'm Bibhuti bhusan sahoo

I'm a highly accomplished Full Stack Developer with a strong foundation in mathematics, holding a Master's degree in Computer Applications. My skill set spans a wide range, including Software Development, Data Science, and Blogging. I specialize in Java, Spring Boot, ReactJS, and SQL, excelling in crafting efficient SQL queries and seamlessly integrating data into Java applications using jQuery. My proficiency extends to tools like DBeaver, enabling me to connect and test queries across diverse database environments. I'm dedicated to optimizing data retrieval and system performance while upholding data integrity. With a solid foundation in MongoDB, I bring versatility to data management. My goal is to create innovative web solutions and robust software, continuously evolving my skills to stay at the forefront of technology.

Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology

Master of Computer Application(2018-21)

Utkal University

Bachelor of Science(2014-17)

Prachi Academy High School


Full Stack Java Developer

Capgemini (Feb 2022 to Present)

Odoo Developer

Nettantra (Oct 2021 to Jan 2022)

Data Science and Advanced Analytics Virtual Experience Program


Data Analytics Consultant Virtual Internship


My Skills
Spring Framwork
Java 8
FrontEnd: React Development
Database : MYSQL,MONGODB,SQL Script
Kafka and Rabbit MQ
Junit And Integration Testing
Swagger Doc.
Bamboo And PCF
Tableau And Power BI


Awards Won


Total Experience


Projects Done


Event Attends


Service Description
Java Full Stack Role
  • I developed Java modules using Spring Boot, Java 8 (Stream API, Collectors, Multithreading) for business rules and workflows.
  • I designed REST-based Microservices and created Single-page web applications with ReactJS, deploying them in development.
  • Employing Spring Core with DI, I built RESTful web services.
  • GIT ensured Source Control and Version Management.
  • Testing included Junit, Mockito, and Swagger, Postman for REST API.
  • I emphasized Junit integration testing and maintained well-structured code commits.
ReactJS Development
  • As a ReactJS developer, I specialize in building dynamic and responsive single-page web applications.
  • With a strong grasp of React and its ecosystem, I design and develop user-friendly interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.
  • Proficient in state management, routing, and component-based architecture, I ensure efficient data flow and seamless navigation.
  • My skills extend to integrating RESTful APIs, optimizing performance, and adhering to best practices.
  • Collaborative by nature, I work effectively in cross-functional teams, prioritize clean and maintainable code, and stay updated with emerging trends.
  • My goal is to create innovative, user-centric web solutions while continuously honing my expertise.
SQL Query Specialist
  • As an SQL Query Developer, I specialize in crafting efficient database queries to retrieve and manipulate data.
  • In our Java programs, I utilize jQuery to fetch and integrate data into various model layers, ensuring seamless data-driven functionality.
  • Extensively using tools like DBeaver, I establish connections across diverse database environments, including team development, core, and staging.
  • My role involves performing comprehensive testing on the queries I develop to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Additionally, I possess a foundational understanding of MongoDB, allowing for versatility in data management.
  • My goal is to optimize data retrieval and enhance system performance while maintaining data integrity across various platforms.
Agile Used Cases
  • We extensively use Agile methodology in our daily activities to ensure efficient project management and delivery.
  • We utilize Jira to track user stories, tasks, and project progress, enabling transparent and collaborative work.
  • Every sprint, we conduct retrospectives to reflect on our performance, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments for the next iteration.
  • Version control is maintained using Bitbucket, which helps us manage code changes, collaborate on code reviews, and ensure code quality.
  • For code deployment, we rely on Bamboo, which automates the build and deployment processes, ensuring a smooth and reliable release cycle.
  • We monitor our applications and services using PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry) to maintain their health, performance, and scalability.
Odoo Development
  • Develop new modules into the Odoo ERP.
  • Integrate different 3rd party systems as modules into the Odoo ERP.
  • End to End implementation of the Odoo ERP system as per the business needs.
  • Customize and maintain existing modules of the Odoo ERP.
  • Please Do Checkout my Apps for Odoo App Store.
Machine Learning
  • Design and develop Machine Learning systems and schemes.
  • Perform statistical analysis and fine-tune models using test results.
  • Find available datasets online for training purposes.
  • Train and re-train ML systems and models as and when necessary.
  • Research, experiment with, and implement suitable ML algorithms and tools.
  • Analyze the problem-solving capabilities and use-cases of ML algorithms and rank them by their success probability.

Agile Project Management By Google


Agile Project Management

by Google


What you'll learn

  • Gain basic understanding of Kubernetes Fundamentals
  • Develop Kubernetes Configuration Files in YAML
  • Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on local systems
  • Deploy Kubernetes on Cloud - Google Cloud Platform
  • Deploy Applications on Kubernetes
  • Setup ReplicaSets, Services and Deployments on Kubernetes 

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect

 The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Journey:

Embarking on the Cloud Odyssey

My journey began with a realization - the cloud is not just a technology; it's a strategic enabler for businesses. AWS, being a pioneer in cloud services, stood out as the ideal platform to master. The certification journey is a commitment to understanding the AWS ecosystem, its services, and their integration to design robust and scalable solutions.

Skills Gained:

1. In-depth AWS Knowledge:

The certification journey empowered me with a comprehensive understanding of AWS services. From foundational services like EC2 and S3 to advanced solutions such as Lambda and CloudFront, I delved deep into the AWS landscape. This knowledge forms the bedrock for designing architectures that align with business objectives.

2. Architectural Best Practices:

Becoming an AWS Solutions Architect is not just about using services; it's about using them effectively. I honed skills in designing resilient, scalable, and cost-efficient architectures. Concepts like high availability, fault tolerance, and elasticity became second nature.

3. Security in the Cloud:

Security is paramount in the cloud. The certification equipped me with the ability to implement robust security measures using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and encryption services. Understanding shared responsibility in the cloud was a pivotal lesson.

4. Cost Optimization:

In the cloud, efficiency matters. I learned to architect solutions that optimize costs while delivering optimal performance. Concepts like AWS Pricing Models, Reserved Instances, and AWS Trusted Advisor became tools in my cost optimization toolkit.

5. Real-world Application:

The certification journey provided hands-on experience with real-world scenarios. From designing a scalable web application to implementing a multi-tier architecture, I gained practical insights into solving business challenges using AWS services.

The Impact:

Bridging the Cloud Skills Gap

As an AWS Certified Solutions Architect, I am now equipped to bridge the cloud skills gap within organizations. My expertise enables me to contribute to cloud adoption strategies, drive innovation, and elevate the overall architecture of cloud-based solutions.

Career Advancement

The certification is not just a badge; it's a catalyst for career advancement. With the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate designation, doors to opportunities in cloud architecture, solution design, and consultancy have opened. The certification is recognized globally, making it a valuable asset in a competitive job market.

Elevating Project Contributions

From designing scalable and fault-tolerant systems to ensuring security and cost-effectiveness, the skills acquired in this journey elevate my ability to contribute meaningfully to any AWS-based project. As a Solutions Architect, I am positioned to drive successful cloud initiatives.

Verify :- https://www.credly.com/badges/c7fc2c34-d4c4-4976-8268-a4f360d12b3c/public_url

Apache Kafka Series - Learn Apache Kafka for Beginners v3

 Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand Apache Kafka Ecosystem:

    • Explore the various components within the Kafka ecosystem.
    • Learn about the architecture and how different parts of Kafka interact.
  2. Core Concepts and Operations:

    • Master fundamental concepts such as Topics, Partitions, Brokers, Producers, and Consumers.
    • Gain proficiency in essential operations for managing Kafka.
  3. Setting up a Personal Kafka Development Environment:

    • Establish a personal Kafka development environment for hands-on learning.
  4. Major Command-Line Interfaces (CLIs):

    • Learn and become adept at using key Kafka CLIs:
      • kafka-topics for managing topics.
      • kafka-console-producer for producing messages.
      • kafka-console-consumer for consuming messages.
      • kafka-consumer-groups for managing consumer groups.
      • kafka-configs for configuring Kafka components.
  5. Developing Producers and Consumers in Java:

    • Create producers and consumers in Java to interact with Kafka programmatically.
  6. Real-World Application:

    • Program a practical example, such as a Twitter producer and an ElasticSearch consumer, to apply concepts in a real-world scenario.
  7. Extended APIs Overview:

    • Explore advanced Kafka APIs including Kafka Connect and Kafka Streams.
    • Study case studies and understand their application in Big Data Architecture.
  8. Log Compaction:

    • Practice and understand the concept of log compaction in Kafka.


  1. Conceptual Understanding:

    • Gain a solid understanding of Kafka's core concepts through theoretical study.
  2. Hands-On Practice:

    • Set up a personal Kafka environment and perform hands-on exercises to reinforce learning.
  3. Coding Exercises:

    • Implement Java code for producing and consuming messages, applying learned concepts.
  4. Real-World Application Development:

    • Work on a real-world application to integrate and solidify knowledge.
  5. API Exploration:

    • Dive into extended Kafka APIs, understanding their use cases and advantages.
  6. Case Studies:

    • Analyze case studies to comprehend practical applications in diverse scenarios.
  7. Interactive Learning:

    • Engage in discussions, ask questions, and actively participate in the learning process.

Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project


Capgemini Experience

I joined Capgemini in February 2022 and underwent comprehensive training in Java full stack and React.js, which spanned for a duration of 4 to 5 months. Following my training, I was assigned to a backend project where I assumed the role of a Java developer. During this assignment, I also pursued and successfully obtained certification in AWS cloud services, further expanding my skill set and expertise.

Since earning my AWS certification, I have actively applied my knowledge and skills in Java, React.js, and AWS cloud services to contribute to project success and enhance the technical capabilities of our team. My work has focused on backend development, where I have played a key role in designing, developing, and maintaining software solutions that align with client requirements and industry best practices.

I am committed to delivering high-quality software solutions and continuing to expand my proficiency in these technologies, ensuring that I contribute effectively to the success of Capgemini and our clients.

These are the Main Technologies Where I worked Upon. 

1. Improved Response Times: During this period, we observed a noticeable improvement in the response times of our microservices. Thanks to the optimizations implemented, our services became more responsive, providing a better user experience.

2. Scalability Achievements: Our microservices architecture demonstrated outstanding scalability, effortlessly handling increased loads during peak periods. This scalability not only ensured consistent performance but also accommodated the growing user base effectively.

3. Reduced Latency: The efforts put into streamlining data processing within the microservices resulted in reduced latency. Users experienced quicker data retrieval and processing, contributing to enhanced overall system performance.

4. Increased Throughput: We recorded a significant increase in throughput, indicating that our microservices were handling more requests and processing more data during this period. This increased throughput positively impacted our system's performance.

5. High Availability: Our microservices maintained high availability, ensuring minimal downtime or disruptions. This reliability was especially appreciated by users and stakeholders who depended on our services for critical operations.

6. Efficient Resource Utilization: With the help of monitoring tools like Pivotal Cloud Foundry, we optimized resource utilization. This not only improved performance but also resulted in cost savings by efficiently managing resources.

7. Consistency Across Environments: The performance improvements were consistent across different environments, including development, staging, and production. This uniformity in performance ensured that our users had a consistent experience regardless of the environment.

8. Positive User Feedback: User feedback during this period was overwhelmingly positive, with many users expressing their satisfaction with the improved performance of our applications. This appreciation from users served as a testament to our team's efforts.

9. Achieving Performance Targets: We met or exceeded the performance targets set for this timeframe, demonstrating our commitment to delivering a high-performing system that aligns with our organization's goals.

10. Performance as a Competitive Advantage: Our enhanced performance became a competitive advantage in the market, attracting new users and solidifying our position as a reliable and high-quality service provider.

Achievements And Recognitions :

I actively engage in internal certification programs, company promotions, and hackathons as part of my ongoing professional development. I have earned certifications that align with our company's core competencies, including proficiency in Java full stack, React.js, and AWS cloud services. These certifications reflect my commitment to maintaining a high level of technical expertise and staying current with industry standards.

In addition to certifications, I enthusiastically participate in company promotions and hackathons, where I consistently demonstrate problem-solving skills, teamwork, and innovation. These experiences provide valuable opportunities for collaboration with colleagues and enable me to contribute to our company's strategic objectives.

I am dedicated to continuous learning and leverage my knowledge and experiences to drive success within Capgemini and for our clients.

I am thrilled to announce that I have been recognized for my outstanding performance within the incredible team at Capgemini. It's been an inspiring journey filled with opportunities to learn, collaborate, and innovate.

I'm grateful for the trust placed in me and the chance to make a difference through my work. This accomplishment only fuels my determination to keep pushing boundaries and striving for excellence.
Here's to more milestones, more growth, and more successful endeavors at Capgemini! Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey.

Client Interaction and Activities:

Our development process is client-centric, involving regular interactions and activities to ensure alignment with client requirements and expectations. These activities include:

  • Daily Stand-up Calls: We conduct daily stand-up calls with the client to provide updates on the project status, discuss any blockers or challenges, and align on priorities for the day. These calls foster collaboration and transparency, allowing us to address issues promptly and keep the project on track.

  • Sprint Reviews and Demos: At the end of each sprint, we organize sprint reviews and demos with the client to showcase the features and functionalities developed during the sprint. This interactive session enables the client to provide feedback, validate the delivered work, and steer the direction of future development efforts.

  • Requirement Gathering Workshops: We conduct requirement gathering workshops with the client to understand their business objectives, user needs, and functional requirements in detail. These workshops help us define clear project goals and ensure that our development efforts are aligned with the client's vision.

  • Feedback Sessions: Throughout the development process, we encourage regular feedback sessions with the client to gather their input on various aspects of the project, such as user interface design, functionality enhancements, and performance optimizations. This iterative feedback loop ensures that we deliver a product that meets the client's expectations and provides value to their business.

  • Joint Planning and Roadmap Discussions: We collaborate with the client on joint planning sessions to define the project roadmap, prioritize features, and allocate resources effectively. These discussions facilitate mutual understanding and agreement on project milestones, timelines, and deliverables, fostering a productive and collaborative working relationship.

Thanks You

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Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo