Saturday 7 May 2022

Spring Boot Projects


1.On Demand Car Wash 

Agenda :-

  1. Each microservice exposes a set of REST/ JSON endpoints for accessing business capabilities 
  2. Each microservice implements certain business functions using the Spring(Boot) framework. 
  3. Each microservice stores its own persistent data using H2/MySQL/MongoDB database 
  4. Each Microservices must implement best practices such as Exception Handling, Loggers, Test Cases, Static Code Analysis and build tools.
  5. Microservices are built with Spring Boot, which has an embedded Tomcat server as the HTTP listener.
  6. RabbitMQ is used as an external messaging service. Try finding out where it can fit in your case study.
  7. The UI, Website must be implemented using React

2.Zoomato Clone App With React Js , Spring Boot and Mongo db.

Zomato clone app is an online platform providing the world's fastest delivery services in nearby areas.
It also provides details about;
 1. Restaurant Details
 2. Food Details
 3. Location
 4. Order Status

I'm a highly accomplished Full Stack Developer with a strong foundation in mathematics, holding a Master's degree in Computer Applications. My skill set spans a wide range, including Software Development, Data Science, and Blogging. I specialize in Java, Spring Boot, ReactJS, and SQL, excelling in crafting efficient SQL queries and seamlessly integrating data into Java applications using jQuery. My proficiency extends to tools like DBeaver, enabling me to connect and test queries across diverse database environments. I'm dedicated to optimizing data retrieval and system performance while upholding data integrity. With a solid foundation in MongoDB, I bring versatility to data management. My goal is to create innovative web solutions and robust software, continuously evolving my skills to stay at the forefront of technology.


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Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo